Who are The uninsured?
  • Key Facts on Health and Health Care by Race and Ethnicity

    Overall, Black, Hispanic, and AIAN people fared worse compared to White people across most examined measures of health coverage and access to and use of care. Despite small gains in health coverage between 2019 and 2021, nonelderly AIAN, Hispanic, NHOPI, and Black people remained more likely to be uninsured compared to their White counterparts.
  • Key Facts About The Uninsured

    In 2021, 27.5 million nonelderly individuals were uninsured, a drop of nearly 1.5 million from 2019. We describe recent trends in health coverage, examine the characteristics of the uninsured, and summarize the access and financial implications of not having coverage.
  • How Many Uninsured People Are in the ACA Coverage Gap?

    In the 10  states that have not adopted Medicaid Expansion, 1.9 million uninsured people are in the coverage gap. Their below-poverty-level incomes are too high to be eligible for Medicaid but too low to qualify for ACA Marketplace subsidies. We also look at how many people would be eligible if all states expanded Medicaid.

The uninsured: How costs affect care and health, 2021

Latest Polling

Percent of adults who reported not having health insurance
Percent of uninsured adults who reported delaying or not getting care due to health costs
Percent of uninsured adults who worry about medical bills if they get sick or have an accident
Percent of uninsured adults who reported not having a usual place of care (vs. 7% of insured adults)

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The independent source for health policy research, polling, and news, the Kaiser Family Foundation is a nonprofit organization based in San Francisco, California.